A Successful Bake Sale

How To Advertise 24 Hours A Day Without Surging Energy Bills

When the majority of businesses close up shop at the end of the day, they turn off all the lights before locking their doors. But what happens if you have a business, like an all-night diner, that only closes a few select days a year? For business owners that really need to advertise around the clock, sign light retrofitting can get the message out without causing a major jump in energy bills.

What Light Retrofitting Does For Business Owners

Whether you have a sign that spins, flashes, or just stays stationary, you want patrons to be able to see it at all hours of the day. From emergency veterinarians to grocery stores, a big portion of your customer base is going to come from walk-ins. If you elect to go through sign light retrofitting, you will feel much more confident about keeping your business signs turned on as your bills will instantly become lower. You can talk to a professional, like Cardinal Sign Corporation, for more details about what retrofitting can do for you.

Signaling That Your Company Is Open For Business

There are also some business owners who choose to keep their lights on even when they're closed. Sometimes customers can get confused when looking for an open entrance, only to see no one is around to take their business. If you're going to try out business sign light retrofitting, you should also add another sign that clearly indicates that your company is currently open for business. Since you will have a much more manageable electricity bill after going through the sign light retrofitting process, adding a single sign that shows definitively when your place of business will be open or closed will be like a beacon to local consumers.

Why Illuminated Business Signs Can't Be Ignored

You can hire workers to hand out flyers, hold up signs, dress up in wacky costumes, or even sing jingles, but these forms of advertising aren't appealing to all customers. Radio and television ads are expensive to run and even more costly to produce. By contrast, business sign light retrofitting will enable your company to successfully capture the attention of every single person that goes by your business.

From commuters taking public transportation to local residents walking around on foot, a large business sign that stays lit up all year around can become almost like a point of reference in your community. You may soon begin to see a lot of new customers visiting you who have known about your business for years indicate that they suddenly wanted to check your business out, all because your constantly illuminated business sign finally gained their attention.
